
none the wiser

{ at least I got in on the whole ice cream thing }

Got my wisdom teeth out today. Hurt, but only kinda. Just had two (the uppers), and apparently they're the least traumatic of them all and I suppose I agree. I was in and out in half an hour, completely awake and aware as I went for a local anasthetic instead of the whole knocked-out routine, and basically the only truly miserable bit was the part with the ice pack wrapped about my head à la Jacob Marley---which only lasted about two hours, anyway.

Feeling kind of gypped.

Because remember how it eventually comes up in every conversation? The oh yeah, man---that was a crazy kind of pain! one. And then everyone jumps in with their own heroic episodes of gauze wraps and lortab and it sounds like maybe this was a week-long ordeal and it all ends with a sigh that means Yep. I feel ya. And I'll be like Oh, sure. That was . . . yeah. Totally.

Not that I'm really all that beat up about it. Did manage to fit in some stellar cinema and sufficient chocolate/banana shakes. Favorite Lee Pace was really quite stunning in Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day. And I do love any afternoon that involves comforters and cats.


Sum said...

haha you are lucky! Yours didn't sound bad at all. When I had mine out, I was knocked out and in bed for an entire week. Nothing to brag about because I hated how the whole thing felt. Glad you're well and they're out. :)

Lindsey said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one!
I got all 4, but all they did was slightly numb me up. (Forgot the laughing gas...) But it was quick, basically painless, and I was at the Red/White scrimage and yummy luau that night. Forget ice cream and popsicles... I was not going to miss a good Polynesian Luau! :D
But yeah. I missed that whole traumatic experience too. But I'm okay with that... :D By the way- I was in Salt Lake last sunday and saw your sign on the door, so it was fun to read your blog and see what that was all about. :)