
post-patrick thought

I always figured that wearing green was a part of a childhood past; that the whole pinch-punishment was something to forget after elementary years. I mean, I think that---and then it's the morning of the seventeenth and I find myself threading a green necklace around my neck and slipping on my green sandals.

I'm outside all that day, passing crowds of students, families, couples. I begin to tally up the wearers-o-the-green, ticking them off on my fingers as they pass by. I am gobsmacked. They are all wearing green. Young, old, inbetween. Green, green, green. I passed a hand-holding couple that had coordinated their Patty's Day attire from green t-shirt to painted toe. I love that we are all so influenced by the whims of society.

* * * * *

On another note (albeit still green), I was once green girl. Green's girl, rather. Oh, the color-coded relationships of seventh grade . . .

1 comment:

Thirdmango said...

I didn't actually wear any green, I plum forgot about it but I didn't see too many people that day so I didn't notice.