
flyers and ducks and pda--oh my!

I know, I know, you've heard entirely too much of me lately, but I'll make this quick. In short, Divine Comedy freakin' rocks. Tonight's show was, without contest, the best I've ever seen. From Disney princesses interrupted to Easter gazelles to idiosnyergy and philosophers speaking in hubris I was absolutely non-stop laughing. It didn't help that the central show---The Wizard of the Wilk---was spot-on; I'll be quoting that one for days.

And, in keeping with my J-named boys, I'm in love with Jono.

In love with Jono!

Iiiiiinn love with Jono, step in time, In love with Jono, step in time. Never need a reason, never need a rhyme: step in time, step in time!

Okay, so maybe you had to be there.


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