
isn't that such the truth?

Unfortunately, it doesn't help much
when it comes to finals week at university.

One problem with being a Writing Fellow is that your own papers are due the exact weeks your students' papers are, too. When you're writing final papers, they're writing final papers. And when yours are 8-10 pages, theirs are, too. Plus, you'll probably have a few extra projects on the side of these ones, like German videos and class reading and daily quizzes and possibly even a research proposal due. In the meantime you might want to take an hour's break because the Boys Next Door are really adorable and also you might need to spend another hour washing dishes and singing along with a highly original (not to mention Broadway-worthy) Disney medley. Oh, and Eli Whitney doesn't fit into any of that. (Except maybe that short story you might've just imagined up . . .)

{ via graphjam }


Lawsy said...


it is really hard to concentrate on "important" things right now.

Sum said...

Haha the pie chart of Eli Whitney. So true! And writing papers are no fun at all. Especially when you have so many due all in a week. Plus so many exams. What can I really say? School....

Alyssa said...


i love you.

Sharlie said...

hahaha that diagram is hilarious and also true.