
rah, rah, rah!

As you now know from the post below, I am sitting at my kitchen table, cozied up into the bay window's nook, telling myself that I can afford to blog because it is only six o'clock and I have all night to finish up my homework. I justify this not only because all my homework is reading, but because today marks the first time that I have been home before five and I therefore have extra hours to tie up loose ends. It is a rather marvelous feeling but altogether fleeting, as the minute I finish up here I'll realise that if I were really responsible I'd finish next week's homework tonight, too. Oh well.

So, school's back in session and the stress has set in nicely---I've already envisioned Finals Week in all its Glory and chances of recovery are slim, but attainable. This semester looks to be one of my biggest challenges yet, though it comes as an exciting challenge and one I am more than ready to get started on. Lucky for me, I was thrown right into it.

These past two days have been spent 10 to 10 on campus, studying and working and all things inbetween. I tackle Italian first thing in the morning (I have forgotten absolutely everything I've ever learned in that respect) and then am off to the Labs for my daily three-to-four hour shifts, and then, depending on the day, either move on to Writing Fellows and CS Lewis, or to Public Speaking. Each road is equally excellent; I have some of the finest teachers here and the best students to share them with. Tomorrow I have my "last new class," Judaism, and then I will have successfully survived the first week of my second year at university. I won't bore you with the details (it's likely you've already heard them), but already it's been quite the learning experience.

Simply being back on this campus is envigorating. You can quite literally feel the energy of thought and progress in its walls, and it is contagious. Yes, it's still completely overwhelming to be one amongst so very many and yes, Feelings of Inadequacy abound, but overall I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am busy, I am happy, I am full of the potential all around me. I love this place, this learning and this growing. It feels like everything is right with the world, that this place can be, to me, one of the many answers to the Eternal Yes. I've been waiting ages to put up my Room With a View header, and now seems the perfect place: Love! Joy! Beauty!

1 comment:

Ali said...

Is your icon a picture of you in your apartment? It looks identicle. I can't wait to see your new home!