
:::a new desk:::

email excerpt 30 December 2009:

Today two little boys helped me carry my new desk into our house (new desk! President does read our green letters, turns out), and as we're toting it down the street (the street's too narrow for any cars to get through), me walking backwards and the two of them pretending to be stronger than their little arms could really manage, all three of us laughing at the situation: barefoot bule, rain, etc . . . I just thought "What happens when this doesn't happen any more?" And then I gave them American licorice for their loyal service, which resulted in another ten neighbour friends crowding around me, hanging on my arms and tugging on my skirts and I feel something like "This is one of those moments you're going to miss." And then we're driving around Bandung with President (everything's different from the rear row in a car) and I'm realizing "They don't have that in America . . . they don't have that in America . . . they don't have that in America . . ."

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