
A big fat letter arrives,

click to enlarge
note address--
hint, hint.

in which we learn:
::Sister E. attends the Indonesian Branch and the English-speaking Branch each Sunday.

::she teaches English classes once a week to a group of children.

::kitties are cute; rats not so much. ". . .everything is miniaturized here and I don't mean just the McDonald's servings. The people are tiny, the doors short, the shops small -- but the cats? Oh, they're pocket-sized! [One of] the hardest things about Indonesia is stopping myself from picking up each little kitten and carrying it back home with me. Which would be a horrible idea, seeing as they're FERAL beyond all definition. But s'darn cute, I can hardly stand it. Note: Rats do not fall under this category. They seem to have missed the miniaturizing-laser-ray altogether. Some are bigger than the cats, no lie."

::she has been proposed to (on the bus), which she attributes to being a bule (foreigner).

::she might be suffering from heat stroke, the only explanation for the following: "SisLily and I want to go skiing first thing in 2011 b/c what I would give for snow again & also I will never from this point onward complain about the winter months." As E. herself might say, that is hil-ar-ious!

::an investigator showed up for a lesson. "Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles!. . . As far as my first-ever teaching experience could be, it was INCREDIBLE. . . .the 4 of us [sister missionaries] together were able to answer all his questions w/ scriptures and testify boldly of the truth. I think that's the key to teaching: testimony. Because honestly there's no way that 19 and 20 year-olds could go out and teach this gospel w/o the Spirit, and when you testify so sincerely about the things you hold most dear there's a lot of power in those words, a lot of promise."

1 comment:

Sum said...

Chocolate envelopes are my favourite. It's freezing in Utah! I guess I won't complain anymore.