
and while he lives, I'll sing

{this post is short, but long in coming: first drafted march fourth}

Just a few weeks ago, as I hopped across the quad to visit Jenny with the month's gospel message, I noticed in the back pages of the Ensign the news that March's magazine would center entirely on Christ. And maybe the dancing was a bit much (Emily laughed at my pirouettes), but I was excited.

Last week, I came home from a long Tuesday to find the magazine on my doorstep and, forgetting all other realities, took the evening to read it. Every page, word, and sentiment is beautiful(my only complaint being that one Teichert painting is never enough), with the added joy of a final testimony from President Hinckley. I could never do the publication justice, but I couldn't blog without sharing the joy, either.

So, taking the cue from page 64 (Worship Through the Hymns), I leave you with my favorite lyrics, some link love, and the hope that today's Tuesday is just as brilliant as the last. Hurrah!

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Though I may speak with bravest fire
And have the gift to all inspire
And have not Love, my words are vain
As sounding brass, and hopeless gain.


M Shepherd said...

I'll sing with you.

Ali said...

I love those meant-to-be moments.

Allie said...

Those are beautiful lyrics.