
it's those small little insignificant things

It's a bit late, and though my speech is written, I've yet to find a theme for my C.S. Lewis paper. Still, I apparently had enough time to dash to the grocery store with Jacq and then spend the next two hours in Deep Discussion about love and Love, so I suppose a little bit of blog can't hurt now, can it?

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Sometimes I find joy in the silliest places. Tonight I just cannot get over

::: the glow of the Apple logo on my MacBook when open
::: reading by Christmas light
::: clear-cut winter air
::: blackberries + powdered sugar + buttermilk waffle
::: how, when wearing a parka, your legs positively freeze but
the rest of you's warm all over
::: the return of my (favorite) lost earring
::: the way I start writing in lists the moment finals begin

Walking alone along Seventh in snow boots should be a part of daily living. Such freedom in feeling so small and so incredibly full all at once.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so true! even though i am beyond stressed, i have been so possitive and happy as of late. yay us. fo shizzle.